IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of you have written me asking whether I am various other persons also referring to themselves as Dr. Angela and Ask Dr. Angela. Thank you for asking. Let me be clear here. While many people carry the name "Angela" and use that name in various ways, I am the only person who owns the trademarks for: Dr. Angela ® and Doctor Angela ® and the twitter names: @DrAngela and @AskDrAngela
I am an expert in SEVERAL different fields, including but NOT limited to: health and wellness, mental health, emotional issues, social-psychological issues, drug and non-drug addiction, emotional and physical abuse and violence, domestic violence, professional and financial abuse, trauma and PTSD, also career and personal development, learning and creativity, and some of my additional favorite topics: the human mind, human consciousness, and human spirit.
To answer some specific questions coming in regarding other persons' work under, and their use of, names such as Dr. Angela and Ask Dr. Angela, let me be clear here: I am not an OB/GYN nor a minister, and in no way endorse their services simply because they are using the name, Dr. Angela and Ask Dr. Angela. Please always check the credentials and the specific fields of training of persons offering advice and treatment.
My work stands on its own. I have developed extensive national and international expertise over several decades, and written over seventy books on my work, also have four graduate degrees from UC Berkeley including two PhDs, and served as a National Institute on Mental Health Post Doctoral Fellow.
Anyone offering advice in areas I work including but not limited to emotional and relationship issues, is not speaking for me or my trademark, Dr. Angela ® .
Thank you very much for your kind attention and interest in my name and trademark.