Dr. Angela
Doctor Angela
Dr. Angela Brownemiller
"It is absolutely impossible to entirely separate the mind from the body,
the mental from the physical, the feelings from the body that feels them.
We must recognize the WHOLE person to help the person.
We must also assist our clients and patients to
recognize themselves as WHOLE PEOPLE.
Even the meaning of being and feeling whole must be further explored." Dr. Angela
Dr. Angela's mission is to continue to provide
information on health and wellness,
to offer information, materials, publications,
recordings, sessions, seminars, and programs
that assist people in
seeing themselves as whole beings who are
operating on so many levels at the same time,
so many levels
that not all of these can be consciously noted at the same time...
to help raise the overall level of awareness of the SELF
to help the SELF consciously adapt toward
ever more wellness and well-being.
Contact us now for more of
Dr. Angela's health and wellness information
and/or to schedule a consult with Dr. Angela: